Something different
Although I have not been practicing a whole lot of asana lately, I can certainly vouch for the power of living my yoga. As the saying goes, “You better watch what you ask for because life will present...
View ArticleSelf-care Made Easy
Creating a Personal Self-care Routine You Can Stick To “Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable, and you are worth the effort. ” – Deborah Day...
View ArticleAhum Idam
A Mantra Meditation for Balance Recently I have begun a meditation practice using the mantra Ahum Idam. I resisted this practice initially. It was a homework assignment from my meditation teacher Dr....
View ArticleA Flashback to Teacher Training and a Timeless Invitation
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” – Rumi I remember the first time I heard this quote and the deep longing I felt to go to that field. An inner,...
View ArticleWoohoo! YogaMotion Academy launches 15 Yoga Teachers into the World…
Congratulations to the creative, conscientious, caring individuals that joined together last September as the 46th YM Teacher Training tribe. Together they have focused their intentions, explored new...
View ArticleSelf-care Made Easy
Creating a Personal Self-care Routine You Can Stick To “Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable, and you are worth the effort. ” – Deborah Day...
View ArticleTwenty years of certifying yoga teachers
This month we will graduate the 47th class of YogaMotion Academy RYS200 students. With the trainings spanning two decades, that’s a lot of yoga love rippling out into the world! We thought it would be...
View ArticleWhy I Love Yoga Nidra
A Guest blog by Hannah Johansen, E-RYT500, LMT, Certified Yoga Nidra Teacher It was in 2002 that I first heard the word “Yoga Nidra.” Intrigued by the name, and curious about the concept, I attended a...
View ArticleOwning it with Wisdom and Self-Compassion
When I can be the witness, all manner of miracles occur – old wounds heal, the past reveals itself to be released, present dramas play themselves out without sinking emotional talons into my soft skin....
View ArticleAyurvedic Spring Tips
Ahhh, spring is in the air. The snow begins to melt, then another storm hits. Flowers bloom and then a surprise freeze happens. The sun is shining; it’s an amazing 70 degrees only to be followed by a...
View ArticleEvolution of Your Buddhi Mind
Our brains have become larger over millions of years of evolution. With the increase in brain size, our jaws have had to become smaller. Bone from the jaw has been used to create a bigger brain. With...
View Article6 Tips to Make Healthy Habits Stick
Lets’ face it, we all try to stick to those new healthy habits we’ve promised ourselves whether it’s drinking more water, drinking less wine, getting up early to meditate before the day begins, to...
View ArticleSomething different
Although I have not been practicing a whole lot of asana lately, I can certainly vouch for the power of living my yoga. As the saying goes, “You better watch what you ask for because life will present...
View ArticleA Flashback to Teacher Training and a Timeless Invitation
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” – Rumi I remember the first time I heard this quote and the deep longing I felt to go to that field. An inner,...
View ArticleWoohoo! YogaMotion Academy launches 15 Yoga Teachers into the World…
Congratulations to the creative, conscientious, caring individuals that joined together last September as the 46th YM Teacher Training tribe. Together they have focused their intentions, explored new...
View ArticleSelf-care Made Easy
Creating a Personal Self-care Routine You Can Stick To “Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable, and you are worth the effort. ” – Deborah Day...
View ArticleTwenty years of certifying yoga teachers
This month we will graduate the 47th class of YogaMotion Academy RYS200 students. With the trainings spanning two decades, that’s a lot of yoga love rippling out into the world! We thought it would be...
View ArticleAre you ready to put your trust in the process?
Guest blog by Heather West, YMWA Events Manager My story with YMWA began when I first entered teacher training in 2014 (that’s me in the middle of the back row). I had no ultimate goal at this time,...
View ArticleTravel Like a Yogi
Nancy’s Top 10 Tips for a Blissful Journey Abroad Recently I had the pleasure of sharing a two-week holiday in Italy with my eldest sister, Christine. Having flown for United Airlines as a flight...
View ArticleLife Cycle of the Butterfly
First launching the YogaMotion Teacher Training in 1998, I had no idea it would ignite a nationwide populace of wellness educators helping so many others to live healthy, happy lives. I still hear from...
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